GPS signal repeater carrier flight navigation system
Article Source:SHENZHEN ECREDIX TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.Popularity:2195Time:2016-02-20 15:07:11【SmallInBig】
The basic design idea of the system is: Flying carrier is not installed GSP receiver, and receiver of GPS signal repeater. Transponder only converted frequency and amplifies the signal without signal demodulation and processing. Because of this, carrier equipment is simple, low cost. The main station receiver is set on the ground, used to receive and transmit signal and data processing. Reference receiver receives the satellite signal to demodulate the number of satellite position and clock face with a GPS clock, in order to provide to the master receiver of differential correction, thus obtaining the position and speed of flight vehicle in real-time.
GSP satellite is code controlled multiple access transmission carrier of, forwarding is available at the same frequency to view satellite tracking and receiving. Due to the P code is confidential, here we only use civilian C / a code, transponder receives L1 carrier frequency of C / a code signal.
After the transponder frequency GPS signal and at the same time added to launching a pilot signal together to. Increased with guide frequency is designed to eliminate the drift of the transponder based on vibration, in order to improve the accuracy of Doppler velocity. Transponder l frequency receiving antenna field should be greater than 200 "to ensure that within the field of vision of at least four satellites receive. Forwarding antenna of field of vision to be greater than 15 o". Two antennas are microstrip antenna is used. Receiving with circular polarization and emission with linear polarization.